Below is a list of honors that we offer in our Yom Kippur services.
If you would like to participate in a Yom Kippur Honor or to Make a Yizkor Pledge, Please fill out the Donation Form


Honoraria and Distinction for Yom Kippur 5782/2021

Yom Kippur Honors 

These honors are traditionally proven to bestow blessings.
Traditionally, Yom Kippur a very auspicious time and many have requested to buy an honor, below is a list of honors that are available with advance pledges and bidding.  Each honor will be coupled with a special prayer, listing all names of your family in front of the Ark. Honors can also be purchased in honor of someone else. Honors can be purchased by male or female, the male will be called upon. 


Evening Services - Kol  Nidrei 

Opening of the Ark Highest Bidding 
It is very meritorious for one to open the ark and take out the Torah Scrolls that are carried around the congregation. While taking them out one should kiss them while confessing their sins. Prayers that indicate a direct request for mercy from Hashem are said with the ark open. This also arouses the congregation to teshuvah. Thus opening the Ark for the first time on Yom Kippur funnels G‑d’s blessings upon this person and symbolically opens the Gates of the Heavens allowing our prayers to be heard.

Bidding Donation Starting at ………. $1000


Holding Torah Scrolls During Kol Nidrei  

The Arizal teaches how according to Kabbalah it is very meritorious to parade the Scrolls around the shul for everyone to kiss them. This display of love for the Torah influences people to repent and is considered a virtue for them. Especially the first one is referred to as the Kol Nidrei Torah. By receiving this honor, you are part of the Bais Din, the Jewish court, together with the Chazzan and other Torah holder, dispensing forgiveness to the Jewish People. The Midrash states that just as Moses was flanked by Aaron and Chur when he prayed for Israel during the Amalekite attack, so too three people should represent the congregation on a public fast day.

Suggested donation ………. $540 (30 x chai) 


Opening the Ark for a Psalm by David 

The Talmud (Shabbat 119a) tells of a wealthy man who would recite this psalm before beginning his meal to express his gratitude to G‑d and to acknowledge His benevolence. We, too, recite it now on the holiest day of the year in acknowledgment of G‑d's annual blessings. Some have a custom to add a silent Kabalistic prayer (Chida).
This honor procures the blessings of prosperity and wealth.

Suggested donation ………. (30 x Chai) $540


Honors from the Morning Services

Torah Reading

On most festivals the Torah Reading is a selection of either the historical narrative of the day or the commandment to observe that Festival. The reading of Yom Kippur, quite appropriately describes the service of the High Priest in the Temple on Yom Kippur. Each Aliyah, which means ascension, has a personal connection and benefit to the person who purchases the honor. By expending one's own funds to acquire this Mitzvah, he and his resources are ascending through the blessings of the Aliyah.

Opening of the Ark and Removal of Both Torahs 

Kabbalah reveals that the opening of the ark and removal of the Sifrei Torah opens the treasure of blessing from Above to the one who opens the ark. This applies especially to one whose wife is pregnant, as this is a “remedy” for an easy pregnancy and delivery.

Suggested donation ……….(10 x Chai) $180


Maftir  & Haftorah 6th & Final Aliya
(can be a Cohen, Levi or Israel - Haftorah can be read by the reader)

This selection from Isaiah was chosen because of its focus on the proper manner of repentance. The Prophet harshly criticizes those who think that they can effect repentance and appease G‑d by fasting and physical affliction that is devoid of inner conviction. Instead, he urges, true repentance involving extreme kindness and charity, and changing one's ways. Through your giving you are epitomizing what the Prophet wanted, thereby, finding favor in G‑d's eyes. (Someone who doesn’t know how to chant it, can honor someone else.)

Suggested donation ……….( 30 x Chai) $540

Raising and wrapping of Torah Scrolls (first and second)

When raising the Torah one reaps the benefits and energies of all the previous Aliyot and receives their reward all “rolled in one”. (Shulchan Aruch)

Suggested donation ……….( 15 x Chai) $270 


Mincha  & Neila Honors


Opening  of the Ark and Removal of the Torah
Opening the Ark funnels the blessings of G‑d upon this person.

Suggested donation ……….(10 x Chai) $180


Maftir Yonah -
(communal Aliya multiple families can participate with a pledge. All family names will be listed in the Mi Sheberach Prayer)
This is the most important Aliyah of the whole day. The story of Jonah teaches that sincere repentance can reverse even the harshest heavenly decrees. It is also a segulah for wealth. In many communities people contribute the most for this Maftir, since according to your investment, so does G‑d reward.

Suggested Participation donation ……….(15 X Chai)  $270 

Opening the Ark- NEILAH

(communal Aliya multiple families can participate with a pledge. All family names will be listed in the Mi Sheberach Prayer and all that participate will be able to stand on stage in front of the Torah)
This is the fifth service of the day corresponding to the fifth and deepest dimension of the soul. This is truly the chatimah, the seal. This is the final chance, before the gates close to get your prayers in one final time. This is also the time that we are locked into G‑d’s inner chamber with only Him. You are the gate keeper. Our Sages tell us this is a segulah for arichut yamim, LONG LIFE!

Suggested Participation donation ……….(15 X Chai) $270



If you would like to participate in a Yom Kippur Honor or to Make a Yizkor Pledge, Please fill out the Donation Form